Nikolas Burk
Nikolas is a polyglot developer and GraphQL enthusiast. He graduated from university with a Master’s degree in Management of Information System and has worked as an iOS developer for bigger companies like SAP, smaller startups and as a freelancer. He loves to share his knowledge and has worked as an iOS Instructor at the Make School Product College in San Francisco before he joined Graphcool in January.
Building realtime apps with React & GraphQL Subscriptions
GraphQL is getting increasingly popular and many big companies like GitHub, Twitter and Shopify are already using it in production. In this talk, I want to demonstrate one of the newer and less-known GraphQL features: Realtime Subscriptions. After a quick introduction to the basics of GraphQL, we’ll build a realtime messenger app with React and Apollo Client. I’ll highlight the requirements for building a subscription server that works with Apollo and introduce best practices for implementing subscriptions on the frontend.