Petyo Dimitrov
Petyo Dimitrov is a software engineer with 10 years of working experience in various projects for international clients. Currently, he is a Software Architect at Musala Soft. His professional focus is in Java, Enterprise Application and Integration technologies, RESTful and XML Web Services and Service Oriented Architectures. He also enjoys sharing his experience and new technologies he is learning with colleagues at work, students at Technical University – Sofia and on different IT conferences in Bulgaria.
Enterprise Java developer’s survival guide
I have been working in the enterprise Java field for a while now and periodically friends and colleagues ask me for help and advice. Over time I have collected several of their questions and would like to share them together with my view and experience on the subject. Questions vary from how to choose between popular Java frameworks, benefits and drawbacks of using ORM, designing REST APIs, performance considerations, etc. Some of them are specific for the Java field, while others are general topics for enterprise applications.